January 28, 2010

Raisha Anindhyta,
seperti biasa temen gw yang satu ini punya hobby mengingkari janji! cuih..
Setelah semua kesombongan akhirnya dia nyapa gw di MSN dan seperti biasa, gw gak pernah bisa marah meskipun dia nyebelin banget :)
dan terjadilah percakapan aneh ini:

I Love Audrey Hepburn

I Love Audrey Hepburn so much, and I found this on twitter! so I become the followers..
and I'm gonna post some of my favorite quotes here...

January 22, 2010


January 21, 2010

Number #12

Hey, Julie! (Fountains of Wayne)

Working all day for a mean little man
With a clip-on tie and a rub-on tan
He's got me running 'round the office like a dog around a track
But when I get back home,
You're always there to rub my back

Hey Julie,
Look what they're doing to me
Trying to trip me up
Trying to wear me down
Julie, I swear, it's so hard to bear it
And I'd never make it through without you around
And I'd never make it through without you around

Hours on the phone making pointless calls
I got a desk full of papers that means nothing at all
Sometimes I catch myself staring into space
Counting down the hours 'til I get to see your face

How did it come to be
That you and I must be
Far away from each other every day?
Why must I spend my time
Filling up my mind
With facts and figures that never add up anyway?
They never add up anyway

Working all day for a mean little guy
With a bad toupee and a soup-stained tie
He's got me running 'round the office
Like a gerbil on a wheel
He can tell me what to do
But he can't tell me what to feel

Greatest day, for greatest man like you
catch you soon :)

Kemaren gw melakukan perjalanan ke kampus menggunakan kendaraan umum (angkot)
seperti biasa, angkot hobby banget nge-tem dan bikin gw kesel hehee :)
bayangin aja dari jam 3.00, angkot itu baru jalan jam 4.15! Gimana gw gak kesel, tapi ditengah perasaan sebel gw tiba-tiba ada percakapan lucu antara Ibu dan Anak di dalem angkot itu.

Anak "mana, katanya Ibu mau beliin aku Barbie!"

Ibu "iya nanti yah, kamu kan udah punya barbie lima dirumah. Terus hamster dua, kelinci dua, udah banyak kan. Apalagi yang kamu belum punya?"

Anak (diam beberapa lama, sampai kemudian menjawab dengan mata melotot dan intonasi galak)

"BUAYA, aku belum punya buaya!"


January 16, 2010

iTunes, 25 Most Played

click, to see the large size :)


cin(T)a The Movie

Tuhan mencintai Cina dan Annisa,
tapi Cina dan Annisa tidak dapat saling mencintai
karena mereka memanggil Tuhan dengan nama yang berbeda...

January 13, 2010

Semester 6

Wow, gw gak pernah sangka akhirnya gw sampai juga di PART 'semester 6' di kehidupan kuliah gw! Dan ini Insya Allah akan jadi semester terakhir gw di Perkuliahan.
Semester ini hanya ada 16 SKS yang tersisa untuk gw ambil, angka nya sih kecil tapi mungkin ini akan jadi salah satu semester yang berat karena gw akan melalui proses TKA dan sidang nya.

Dari kemaren gw mikir, emang gw udah se-tua itu yah, kayaknya badan gw masih kecil-kecil aja, gw juga mikir emangnya gw bisa yah bikin TKA terus sidang TKA sampe akhirnya wisuda..

Gak habis pikir gw.. gak percaya gw! Kayaknya baru kemaren gw masuk kuliah, tau-tau udah mau lulus aja! Apaan sih ini...

Semoga gw bisa melewati semua hambatan di semester ini, dan dapet akhir yang sangat baik dan yang pantes untuk gw dapet. Gw gak mau terlalu muluk-muluk gw hanya mau gw mendapat akhir yang seimbang dengan usaha yang gw keluarkan. Setelah itu gw berharap gw keterima EKSTENSI UI dan dapet gelar SARJANA bukan cuma AHLI MADYA.


Built to Last

I've looked for love in stranger places,
but never found someone like you.
Someone whose smile makes me feel I've been holding back,
and now there's nothing I can't do.

'Cause this is real, and this is good.
It warms the inside just like it should,
but most of all it's built to last.

All of our friends saw from the start.
So why didn't we believe it too?
Whoa yeah, now look where we are.
You're in my heart now.
And there's no escaping it for you.

'Cause this is real, and this is good.
It warms the inside just like it should,
but most of all it's built to last.

Walking on the hills that night with those fireworks and candlelight
You and I were made to get love right

'Cause you are the sun in my universe,
considered the best when we've felt the worst
and most of all it's built to last.

January 10, 2010

Somebody - Depeche Mode

I want somebody to share, Share the rest of my life
Share my innermost thoughts
Know my intimate details

Someone who'll stand by my side, And give me support
And in return, She'll get my support

She will listen to me, When I want to speak
About the world we live in, And life in general

Though my views may be wrong
They may even be perverted

She'll hear me out, And won't easily be converted
To my way of thinking, In fact she'll often disagree
But at the end of it all, She will understand me

I want somebody who cares, For me passionately
With every thought and With every breath

Someone who'll help me see things
In a different light
All the things I detest
I will almost like

I don't want to be tied
To anyone's strings
I'm carefully trying to steer clear of
Those things

But when I'm asleep, I want somebody
Who will put their arms around me, And kiss me tenderly

Though things like this
Make me sick
In a case like this
I'll get away with it

*I change the word 'she' into 'he' when I'm singing


January 09, 2010

Next Focus on Next Semester

Tepat dengan pergantian tahun, sudah saatnya juga gw akan mulai masuk ke semester 6 (semester akhir gw di perkuliahan). Gw punya satu hal yang akan jadi fokus utama hidup gw ke depan, especially for my college life.. Yaitu TKA (Tugas Karya Akhir), ini seperti skripsi tapi beda nya selain pembuatan proposal gw juga harus menyerahkan karya gw (dummy).

Gw memutuskan untuk mengerjakan TKA secara individu dibanding dengan berkelompok. Gw mengambil bidang radio bukan televisi. Gw akan jelaskan dengan singkat TKA gw seperti apa.

Nantinya gw akan membuat sebuah program radio untuk salah satu stasiun radio di Jakarta. Lalu gw memilih untuk bekerjasama dengan U-FM (94.7), Alhamdulillah U-FM sudah setuju dengan program gw dan setuju untuk kerjasama dengan gw. Program gw gak harus disiarkan di U-FM, tapi program gw hanya akan dikasih ke jurusan, U-FM disini hanya sebagai partner saja, membantu gw untuk menyiapkan segala data yang dibutuhkan.

Di U-FM gw akan bekerjasama dengan Imam Wibowo (terimakasih mas Imam, mohon bantuannya yah) :)
Lalu program yang gw buat adalah Air Magazine dengan segmentasi pendengar perempuan dewasa. Nama acara gw adalah 'The Inspiring Shinning'.

The Inspiring Shinning punya tiga segmen didalamnya,

Segmen 1 (Shinning Shout Out)
segmen ini akan memberikan topik/pertanyaan, dan U Lovers (panggilan pendengar U-FM) akan memberi pendapat unik dan menarik nya yang inspiratif.

Segmen 2 (Shinning Pleasure)
ini segmen tentang hobby dan lifestyle, topik nya bebas. Bisa membahas kuliner, tempat liburan, film, musik atau buku.

Segmen 3 (Shinning U)
Segmen ini akan mengulas profil wanita yang sangat inspiratif dan cerdas, sehingga U Lovers bisa mendapatkan inspirasi dari profil wanita ini.

Itu ulasan singkat tentang fokus hidup gw yang berikutnya, jadi kalau setelah ini gw akan sangat jarang nulis dan update blog itu karena si 'The Inspiring Shinning' ini...

Ne-Yo (Never Knew I Needed)

For the way you changed my plans

For being the perfect distraction

For the way you took the idea that I have

Of everything that I wanted to have

And made me see there was something missing

For the ending of my first begin

And for the rare and unexpected friend

For the way you're something that I never choose

But at the same time something I don't wanna lose

And never wanna be without ever again

You're the best thing I Never Knew I Needed

So when you were here I had no idea

You're the best thing I never knew I needed

So now it's so clear I need you here always

My accidental happily (ever after)

The way you smile and how you comfort me (with your laughter)

I must admit you were not a part of my book

But now if you open it up and take a look

You're the beginning and the end of every chapter

You're the best thing I never knew I needed

So when you were here I had no idea

You're the best thing I never knew I needed

So now it's so clear I need you here always

Who'd knew that I'd be here

So unexpectedly

Undeniably happy

Said with you right here, right here next to me

Girl you're the...

You're the best thing I never knew I needed

So when you were here I had no idea

You're the best thing I never knew I needed

So now it's so clear I need you here always

Baby baby

Now it's so clear I need you here always

If you love R&B, I'm sure you will sing this song for me!

I'm not someone that you WANT to be with,

but maybe I'm someone that you unexpected needed ...

The End of Semester 5

Semester 5 selesai juga akhirnya, kurang lebih satu minggu gw deg-degan nungguin nilai gak keluar-keluar. Kadang gw kira siak-ng gw yang bermasalah. Ternyata emang dasar UI nya aja lelet gak progrssive Hehee. Akhirnya hari ini keluar semua nilai-nilainya dan gw bisa liaaaat...

Guess what, IP gw 3.49 Alhamdulillah banget :)
Setelah dua semester IP gw terus turun, turun dan terjun dengan bebas nya...

Ini dia rincian IP gw,
Semester 1 : 3.02
Semester 2 : 3.40
Semester 3 : 2.96
Semester 4 : 2.94
Semester 5 : 3.49

Setelah terjun bebas dan terkapar di daratan, sekarang dia mulai mencoba bangkit dan terbang tinggi lagi :)

Seperti salah satu quotes yang gw suka, "Learning to fall to fly better"

Semoga semester 6 gw bisa dapet yang lebih baik dan TKA serta sidang nya lancar... Amiiin :)


Stop Dreaming and Walk The Reality :)

with walking the reality, you will have chances to reach your dream!
and you will find your dream become reality
so, stop dreaming and walk the reality :)

Some people retweet this tweets and I don't know who they are..
but thanks for retweet my tweets...
it's an honour for me :)

"No matter where you go, I won't be very far
Cause in my head I'll be right there where you are
Cause love is no distance baby
Look, love is no distance baby, no
Not when it comes to you and me"

(AJ Rafael - She Was Mine)

I'll try :)

January 07, 2010

New Year at Yogyakarta With You :)

I'm going to Yogyakarta for this 2010 New year with Julius and some new friends :)
wait for the picture and story...

I'll write it soon ;)